Sunday, June 04, 2006

this is getting out of hand...

I am, unbelievably, writing from 35,000 feet in the air. Posting a blog entry. We are travelling at 575 miles per hour, and are somewhere north of Turkey, if the electronic map in front of me is to be believed. South of Yalta. A friendly man just came through the cabin with free vouchers to try the onboard broadband wireless LAN for 30 minutes for free. We are definitely entering the twilight zone.

Stranger still is the fact that Lars, the bassist with whom I will be playing for the next 4 months, is sitting next to me and talking to his girlfriend on Skype. This is truly insane...

Anyway. I will elaborate on this very shortly- but for now I thought I'd say Hi, just because - again, unbelievably - I can, and because it's been so ridiculously long since I posted anything. I have been meaning to, of course, but normal life has proven remarkably distracting over the last few months. However, here I am... on my way to Dubai, to live in a 7-star hotel for four months. It's a little disorienting, but I am going to try to make the most of it... OK, details to follow...



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